Is it time to see an Audiologist?

If you’re asking that question, then the answer is probably 'yes'. Here are some of the common signs of hearing loss.

phone calls

Finding phone conversations difficult

TV volume

Turning the TV up, up and up again

Hearing loss

Struggling to hear in noisy environments

Withdrawing from conversations and social events

Feeling tired by the effort of hearing

Often asking people to repeat themselves

Feeling like everyone is mumbling

If any of those signs seem familiar, then hearing loss may already be impacting your life.
Our experienced audiologists in Thornbury can help you find out what’s going on and recommend the right treatment to help improve your hearing.

How Can Active Audiology Help?

Hearing Tests

A hearing test is the first step you need to take. Our audiologists in Thornbury have been highly trained to run a hearing test, interpret the results and help you understand what’s going on with your hearing. Once you have an accurate diagnosis and a treatment plan, we can help you decide on your next steps.

Book your hearing test today

How Can Active Audiology Help

Get In Touch

We are located on the High St. shopping strip on your left-hand side (facing north), in between Benjamin and Blythe St. Street parking in front of the clinic is available (be aware of clear way times).


891 High St, Thornbury 3071


(03) 9398 3339

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday, 9:00am -5:00pm

Other appointment times may be available. Please enquire with our team.

Book An Appointment

Get In Touch

Call Us: 1300 364 007 Email Us:
